Winter Sale is running!
Hosting for Speed, Security,& Scalability
- Popular Domain:
- .comonly $15
- .netonly $18
- .xyzonly $1.80
- .my.idonly $1.50
- .infoonly $5.40
Web Hosting Services
We're delivering fast and affordable Hosting Solution Since 2017.
Host on your favourite locations
Fast and reliable hosting from servers across the globe.
Exclusive server resources for unmatched performance, security, and customization.
Cost-effective hosting for smaller websites with shared resources and easy management.
High-speed hosting with optimized servers for faster website load times and performance.
Secure hosting with enhanced privacy, data protection, and international compliance options.
Flexible hosting plans for businesses to manage and sell their own web hosting services.
Unleash Your Online Growth
Discover the Top-notch Hosting Solutions
- Upto 30GB NVME Storage
- Upto 500 GB Bandwidth
- Upto 2 GB RAM
- Upto 2 Core CPU
- Litespeed Web Server
- Free Domain (on Yearly Purchase)
- Free SSL Certificates
- 24/7/365 Support
- Upto 240 GB NVMe Storage
- Upto 6 TB Monthly Bandwidth
- Upto 20 GB Dedicated RAM
- Upto 10 Core Dedicated CPU
- Litespeed Web Server
- Free SSL Certificates
- Upto 200 MB/s IO & 10240 IOPS
- 24/7/365 Support
- Upto 1TB NVME Storage
- Unmetered Bandwidth
- Upto 120 GB RAM
- Upto 24 Core CPU
- Upto 1Gbits/s Speed
- US, UK, SG, AUS & DE
- Linux & Windows OS
- 24/7/365 Support
Unleash Online Growth With Hostovo!
Transfer your Website with the ease & use!
We offer free Website migration ensuring no downtime!
What do our clients say?
Advanced Security Features
We ensure a solid performance and security for your website with Premium DDOS Protection. Free SSL and More!
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